5 Heat Pump Components and What They Do in Louisville, KY
A heat pump heats or cools your Louisville, KY home with the help of its multiple components. Each part conducts a specific role to contribute to the overall objective. Below, we will discuss heat pump components and their roles.
1. Air Filter
When your heat pump starts a temperature regulation cycle, it draws air from your living space. This air must pass through an air filter for the filter to trap contaminants such as pollen, pet dander, hair strands, dust and fur.
By catching these pollutants, the filter protects your household from irritations associated with poor indoor air quality, such as watery eyes, dry throat, sneezing, running nose and dizziness. The filter also prevents these contaminants from entering the heat pump and contaminating its parts.
A clogged filter cannot trap contaminants efficiently and causes your heat pump to overwork because the system struggles to draw air through. Overworking causes your heat pump to break down more often and consume more energy.
Consider getting a new air filter after every two or three months. Remember to check the MERV rating of the filter you intend to buy. MERV ratings show how efficiently a filter traps contaminants.
The ratings range from 1-16. A filter with a MERV rating of 1 has the lowest efficiency while a filter with a MERV rating of 16 has the highest efficiency. A MERV rating between 8 and 10 is ideal for residential use.
2. Evaporator and Condenser Coils
Evaporator and condenser coils facilitate the heat absorption and release process. The evaporator coil is in the indoor unit while the outdoor unit houses the condenser coil.
When summer sets in, the evaporator coil absorbs heat from the indoor air. On the other hand, the condenser coil disposes of this heat to the surrounding environment. This helps cool your home.
During the colder months, the outdoor coil starts absorbing heat from the environment. The indoor coil releases this heat into the indoor air, thus warming your home.
To absorb and release heat efficiently, these coils should be free from pollutants, such as dust and debris. Therefore, schedule routine maintenance services to clean these coils regularly.
3. Refrigerant and Reversing Valve
A refrigerant absorbs and moves heat from one area of your heat pump to another. It absorbs heat at the evaporator coil during summer and transfers it to the condenser coil. When winter comes, the reversing valve changes the direction of the refrigerant flow, and the fluid starts moving heat from the outdoor condenser coil to the indoor evaporator coil.
4. Compressor
The outdoor heat pump unit houses the refrigerant. After the refrigerant absorbs heat at the condenser coil during winter, the fluid goes through the compressor. The compressor raises the refrigerant’s temperature and pressure to enable the fluid to release heat at the evaporator coil, warming your indoor air.
5. Blower Motor
A blower motor rotates the fan blades to blow the heated or cooled air from your heat pump into your ductwork, allowing the air to get to your living space. A blower motor may either be a single-stage, two-stage or variable-speed motor.
A single-stage motor works at 100% capacity, making this motor the least energy-efficient of the three. A two-stage motor has a high and low setting, meaning it can work at two different capacities, depending on your indoor temperature needs.
A variable-speed motor allows you to enjoy improved energy efficiency as it works at different capacities. For instance, if you need a slight temperature adjustment, the motor can operate at a lower capacity, such as 25%. If your indoor temperatures are too low or too high, the motor works at 100% capacity.
If one of your heat pump’s parts breaks down, the system cannot meet your indoor temperature needs. Our technicians will address all underlying issues to keep your system working efficiently. Contact Birkhead Co. for exceptional heat pump services in Louisville, KY.
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