How Your Commercial HVAC System Impacts Employees in Prospect, KY

A comfortable workplace is essential for productivity. And your commercial HVAC system is an important part of the workplace environment. Here are some ways your commercial HVAC system affects your Prospect, KY employees.

The Atmosphere Affects Productivity

Employees work better in a comfortable environment. When the workplace is too hot or too cold, productivity is likely to drop. Discomfort hurts concentration and affects attitude. Maintaining an efficient HVAC system makes the atmosphere better for your employees.

Bad Air Quality Causes Sickness

Air pollutants and contaminants can make employees sick. Those with allergies might have trouble breathing. Unhealthy indoor air can trigger asthma attacks as well. Headaches and fatigue can also result from breathing unhealthy air.

Your HVAC system should always have a clean filter. The filter helps remove pollutants and contaminants from the air. A clean filter helps your employees breathe easier and experience fewer sick days.

Noise Disrupts Focus

A loud HVAC system disrupts employee concentration. An HVAC system that works well shouldn’t make much noise. Occasional sound from the HVAC system is normal, but it shouldn’t be loud enough to disrupt business, or cause distractions.

Bangs, pops, grinding and other odd noises aren’t normal. If your commercial HVAC system is noisy, call an HVAC technician for maintenance.

An HVAC System Can Produce Unpleasant Odors

No one wants to work in an office that smells bad. But an HVAC system can produce bad smells when there’s a problem. Musty odors, a burning smell and other unpleasant scents can disrupt the workplace.

The air ducts, vents or filters in your office might need cleaning. If there’s a smell of something burning, the system should be checked right away for wiring issues. Call a qualified HVAC technician for assistance.

Contact our team at Birkhead Co. Heating and Air Conditioning for commercial HVAC maintenance. We can help with duct cleaning, replacing air filters, checking wiring and more.

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