What Happens When Your Heat Exchanger Is Cracked?

Your furnace is the driving force behind the heating system in your Shepherdsville, KY, home. One of its most essential components is the heat exchanger, which transfers heat from the furnace flame to heat the air that circulates throughout the house. If your heat exchanger is cracked, it could be a dangerous situation for you and your furnace. Keep an eye out for the following signs.

You’re Not Feeling Well

Are you or any of your household members suddenly not feeling well? Your HVAC system, and specifically the cracked heat exchanger inside of it, could be the source. A cracked exchanger leaks gas, which can cause symptoms such as constant headaches and flu-like symptoms if it becomes too prevalent in the air.

The Flame Looks Different

Take a look at the various components in your furnace from time to time. If you see corrosion or rust developing quickly, a cracked heat exchanger may be the cause. Toxic gases released through the crack over a long period of time are damaging to metals.

Water Is Pooling Around the Furnace

Another indicator of a cracked heat exchanger is water pooling on the floor around it, especially if the furnace doesn’t usually have condensation issues. A cracked heat exchanger won’t combust properly, meaning the water isn’t all burnt off. This excess water later leaks from the furnace to the floor.

Soot Is Building up Inside the Furnace

The incomplete combustion process allows soot to build up on the interior of the furnace. If this problem isn’t addressed immediately, the buildup will prevent air from flowing freely through the system. The airflow blockage decreases the overall efficiency of your furnace and the HVAC system in general.

Call the pros at Birkhead Co. for world-class HVAC installation and repair services. We care about your comfort.

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